Cloud Technology Ecosystems

There is still a lot of codification to be done in terms of the various layers that exist in todays “cloud stack”. SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, BaaS, AaaS… All of these terms are still fairly blurry.

To hack at solving this for a friend, I put the following deck together earlier in the year.

I learned a few very interesting things.. The most dense slides are where the greatest amount of industry consolidation (M&A) is happening. For example, just 60 days after completing the deck, there were already 7 companies (logos) listed that were acquired for an aggregate $400M+.

Cloud Technology Ecosystems from Joseph Jacks

Now read this

Meta-Post: Areas of Interest

Enterprise Musings - Goings on in the enterprise software / hardware landscape w.r.t. new and modern ways of building, deploying, scaling, and managing mission-critical systems and platforms. P2P Innovations - Things that catch my eye in... Continue →